Our Services

The Presto Marketing Agency is a full service digital agency. We can provide all your Web Design, SEO, Local Marketing and other online marketing needs. Here’s a summary of how we can help you establish your online presence and gain more traffic, leads and customers. 


You need SEO to improve your search engine rankings and increase traffic! Boost your sales and grow your business beginning today!

Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the ranking of your web pages on search engines. SEO aims to push your web pages to the top of organic or unpaid search results pages (Google, Yahoo, and Bing). This way, prospects will find your website when they make search engine queries about your business or queries about a product or service you offer.

Where is the best place to hide something? On the SECOND page of the search results! 

Click Here for a special To get your Google My Business Page set up or if you arlready have one- optimized so
that you are found by your customers. 

Local Buzz is the optimization of your presence in local listings, maps, and reviews in search engines and major sites such as Google Places, Bing Local, Facebook Places, and Foursquare to make your business searchable and increase its visibility online.

Social Media Marketing

Customer acquisition in social media is 62% on LinkedIn, 52% on Facebook, and 44% on Twitter!

Social Media Optimization is the process of generating visibility through various social media networks and platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn. Social Media increases awareness about a business, brand, product or service. It facilitates reach, engagement and amplification because every action in social media reaches networks of friends, fans, followers, and connections. As a result of our marketing actions your business will be sizzling in the social media sphere.

Paid Advertising

Realize the instant targeted traffic, leads, and sales that PPC delivers to businesses! We can also retarget visitors who have left your website and transform them to customers!

Pay per click advertising is a form of online advertising where your ads are displayed in front of users when they use the keywords you target as they make searches in search engines. Remarketing is about having the ability to get your banner ads displayed to your website visitors after they have left and visit sites within the Google Display Network.

Web Design

Google has implement something called Moblie First.' By investing in a mobile responsive website today, you are preparing your website and your business to respond to the demand of the future.

Here at Presto Marketing Group, we offer various types of web builds. However, we specialize in building customized, responsive websites based on the WordPress platform and Groove.cm. This means we will customize your website based on your specifications. Since it is responsive, this single version of your website will load perfectly on all devices: desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets.

Marketing Audit.

An audit is the first step to recover from or to stay compliant with Google algorithm updates. With the search engine rolling out between 500 and 600 algorithm changes every year, it’s crucial to always check how your website is performing.

A Website Audit allows you to get a professional review and analysis of your website, including its content and inbound links. A Website audit covers Web Design and Web Structure Analysis, Page and Link Errors, Page Title and Meta Description Issues, Backlinks Analysis, URL Architecting, Duplicate Content Analysis, Comprehensive Target Keyword Analysis, and much more! We highly recommend this service before you start any optimization campaign for your website.